Groupe d’Action Francophone pour l’Environnement
20 ans de militantisme et d’action de terrain

Home > Événements > Agenda > Biographies Intervenants > Julie Baptiste

Julie Baptiste

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Julie Baptiste is in charge of eco-responsibility for Médecins du Monde France, and has spent nearly 6 years working in humanitarian logistics in Haiti for various NGOs, including Médecins du Monde, Solidarités International, Première Urgence Internationale, Oxfam Intermon, and Esa Consultance. She has also applied her logistics expertise in international contexts such as Greece, Bangladesh and France.

With deep personal ties to Haiti, Julie has developed a particular sensitivity to the problems associated with the widespread use of Styrofoam in the Caribbean region. During her missions, she actively participated in the implementation of measures to reduce its use in the NGOs where she worked. At Médecins du Monde, the use of styrofoam in the form of "boites manger" (single-use packaging for take-away meals) has even been banned, demonstrating a commitment to preserving the environment.

Julie will bring her field experience and commitment to the round table to shed light on the challenges posed by Styrofoam in the Caribbean.